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Happy Earth Day!


Earth Day started in 1970 when thousands of people came together to speak up and demand cleaner air and water. In 1990, Earth Day became a global event when 200 million people across 141 countries spoke up together about global environmental issues.

Protecting our planet for future generations, long after us is our #1 reason we do what we do. Creating sustainable solutions that are efficient, recyclable, and work for your space! By reducing the amount of waste we create in our day to day life we create a cleaner and brighter future!

Did You know?

Property management and a variety of companies are starting to make sustainable hoarding a requirement in their building criteria. By noting EZEE Hoarding as their mandatory hoarding provider, they alone are now eliminating an average of 50,000 pounds of drywall waste a year! So what are you waiting for? Together we save you time and therefore money while also helping to create a cleaner planet!

Since EZEE Hoarding Started..

We have now eliminated 1, 218, 596 pounds of drywall waste from filling up our landfills! That’s the same as 81 FULL City dump trucks!!

Thank you!

We can’t do this alone! None of this is possible without our clients making these sustainable decisions in their project planning. We would like to send out big thanks to our people in the healthcare, commercial, and residential industries for making the future of our planet a priority!

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